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Fitness Rules - Top 5 Foods for Healthy Hair

Beauty and Fashion, Foods for Healthy Hair, Healthy Hair, Fitness Rules, Fitness,

Beauty and Fashion, Foods for Healthy Hair, Healthy Hair, Fitness Rules, Fitness,

Fitness rules-The food you eat today help fortify the hair follicle

Fitness rules-Of course, there's more hair than you eat. Smoking, hormonal instabilities, and not sufficiency sleep can also affect your hair looks and feels. No magic nutrient can offset those bears on.
Fitness rules- If you eat a variety balanced diet rich in protein, which focuses on the following 10 foods, it gives your hair the TLC it needs and deserves.

1.  Fitness rules- salmon

Fitness rules-Also being rich in protein and vitamin D, omega-3s found in that tasty cold-water fish are the real superstar. Fitness rules- Your body can not produce these fatty acids that your body needs to grow hair. About 3% of the hair fiber is to make these fatty acids. Omega-3 are also found in the cell membranes of the skin of the scalp, and the natural oils that maintain the scalp and hair moisturized.

2. Fitness rules- nuts

These is the only type of nut that's an important measure of omega-3 fatty acid fatty acids. Fitness rules- They're also rich in biotin and vitamin E, which helps protect cells from DNA damage. From her hair rarely gets more protection from the sun, this is especially great. Biotin little can lead to hair loss. Nuts as well have copper, a mineral that helps maintain natural hair color rich and brilliant, says Fishman.

3. Fitness rules- eggs

 Eggs are rich in biotin, an essential B vitamin for hair growth and overall health of the scalp.Fitness rules- As our bodies make their own biotin in the intestine, and is abundant in many common foods, deficiency is very rare. Fitness rules-Yet, in the few cases in which people are very sick and don't have use of their intestines, biotin deficiency causes hair loss.Fitness rules- and so yes, biotin is important for healthy hair, just don't need to take supplements.Fitness rules- Just eat a balanced diet that includes foods rich in biotin a few eggs, peanuts, almonds, wheat bran, salmon, avocado and low-fat cheese.

4. Fitness rules- Lentils

Fitness rules- Along with tofu, soy, starchy beans and black-eyed peas, lentils are a great vegetarian source of iron-rich protein, which I recommend for two reasons. Firstly, the protein is necessary for the growth of all cells, including the hair cells. Hair gets its structure of hardened protein called keratin.

5. Fitness rules- Peppers

Red, yellow and green bell peppers are  colorful and delicious source of vitamin C, which is essential for healthy hair.

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